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What we do

A fully-funded support programme for UK-based financial service providers, we support SME and mid-tier businesses with the adoption of innovative products and processes.

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About our programme

Focused on boosting the UK financial services sector's impact and global competitiveness, we bring a clear understanding of what drives innovation and what holds it back.

User and stakeholder experiences are at the heart of our approach. By tackling the root causes of market issues and organisational barriers that slow down innovation, we aim to improve access to financial services for all.


Why this is important

Limited access to financial services across certain UK communities and regions is not only damaging to specific individuals, it hinders economic growth.

The way people engage with financial services has undergone significant transformation, and an evolving regulatory and technological environment has left vulnerable communities particularly impacted.. As a result, breaking free from poverty is becoming more challenging, with social divides increasing.

We partner with financial service firms, supporting them to navigate this changing environment and find opportunities to increase access to their services, connecting underserved communities to the financial services they need, while supporting growth to their business.

Wider Programmes

We are part of a programme called Next Generation Professional and Financial Services, delivered by Innovate UK and ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council).


This programme aims to help professional service sectors, including accounting and law, and the financial service sectors, including insurance, lending, advisory and payment services, develop and use digital technologies.


The Future Finance Accelerator

Future Finance offers SME financial services providers access to a fully-funded financial services Accelerator:   

  • Networking and match making events with financial services & FinTechs

  • Online training and resources

  • Bespoke & in-person training & coaching programmes

  • 1:1 support from advisers in financial regulation, IP, tech & more

  • Funded consultancy to prepare for tech implementation

  • Discounts & offers from partners such as AWS, Dell & HubSpot

Within the Future Finance Accelerator, organisations will be able to access and participate in: 

Networking and match making events with

A curated list of available technology providers

In-person workshops & coaching, and online training

1:1 support from advisers in financial regulation, IP, tech & more

Funded consultancy to prepare for tech implementation

Discounts & offers from partners such as AWS, Dell & HubSpot

Learn more about the accelerator here


Our Mission

Supporting SME financial service providers to grow their businesses with bespoke innovation training and resources.

Ensuring the needs and voices of underserved communities, individuals and companies are reflected in the delivery of fintech products and services.

Engaging industry influencers to deliver a pragmatic programme to aid innovation adoption.

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